Friday, March 14, 2014

Self Evaluation!

-What ethos did you strive for in your website? How does your website effectively.

The ethos used for this project comes from several sources. The first one comes from a website's article titled 'Oracle Software Glitch Mars Semester's Start for University, Student.' The article can be found on The ethos is also used when I when I compare five different university and its graphic web design. The universities mentioned in this PSA are Biola U, Drexel U, William College, Wofford College, and Univesity of Texas. The information is effective because presents these colleges' main page and their design as an effective visual strategy.

-In what way are you using phatos to manipulate your audience? What make those use effective?

The emotional moment used in this website is in the article I wrote called 'Let's Face it.' It was written with true facts about the way how most Cougars feel about competition. What it helps to make this article written effective is the conclusion or the web (About) link. It wraps up the whole idea an and persuade visitors to be part of that change.  

-How is your website affected by/how does your website crate kairos? In what way does your prompt metanoia or refection about your topic?

The website was created in the right time where current professors and students had faced technical problems with our current webpage. Moreover, the website tries to transform ideas about a final product WSU webpage could have approached when right internal and external web design techniques are applied to it.  

-How many different media do you use in your website? Why How do they enhance your message?

The media used for this website is the quote I used the main home page. This quote was found in the article mentioned above called 'Oracle Software Glitch Mars Semester's Start for University, Student.' I believe another media used are the different websites shown by different Universities discussed in the site.

-Identify your primary uses of the visual mode (what audience will notice most, visually). How are you using these visual elements rhetorically in your website? Are there subtle uses of visual elements that are intended to affect audience on a subconscious level? Think about the element in the prezi we looked at (now linked under the Unit 2 tab) Color, lines, shape, tone, space, movement, rhythm, etc.

The subtle use of visual audience are shown mostly in the creation of the logo created in Adobe illustrator. The illustration makes me think how fast internet connection can go. If one looks this design from left to right, one may deducts that some object pass by super fast. And that object may be communications and technology. Moreover, the font used for this project is accessible the viewer's eye because is easy to read in PC's and Smart phones. Now, I think what sticks in the subconscious level is the subtitle 'Go Cougs - Go Likeable' because is something that embraces the whole idea of competition with other universities. If I mention "Prezi Design Strategies," then I would say that the contents, lines, shape of images, are visually balanced. Using this balance technique allows navigators go through the website in an organize way.

-Identify your primary use of the spatial mode in you layout. How does this affect your audience? How does that enhance the message you are tying to send?

It seems that the spatial mode in my layout is linear. It contains horizontal and vertical lines It also contains  geometrical elements such as rectangles. The spacial mode mentioned calm and makes the audience feel secure due to the stability of the lines.

-If you have any instances of the gestural mode or aural mode, discuss them in the same manner as the questions above.

The gestural mode used in this web site allows navigators to click easily using a PC or Smartphone. This is simple website or project that could  become in something bigger if students get involve in this campaign in order to persuade WSU administrators to make change its website.

-Can you categorize your website in a genre more specifically than "propaganda" or "public service announcement?"

First, I believe my webpage looks more like a public service announcement because it was set up without charge. Second, it raises awarenesses, changing student's or public attitudes and behavior towards WSU website which had caused several problems in the students and the people who work in this campus.  

-What other sites and sources have you linked to? What purpose does your linking serve? How does tying your site to those other sources enhance your messaged?

The sites linked to this web site are:

The purpose of the linking serves as point of reference about how prestigious universities present themselves to current and future students and administrators. Another aspect is that my site improve its quality by allowing navigators to have access to their university's web site.

-In what other way have you made your web site's rhetoric as effective as possible?

This web site's rhetoric is effective because it uses several element of creativity. First, it contains logos created by using Adobe Illustrator software. Second, it has the HTML creativity which allows to manipulate the page the way how the designer wants. Third, it contains and easy access in PC and Smartphones, Fourth, the page uses concepts taught in class such as Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Finally, the website seems to look organized and with clear horizontal and vertical lines.

End Transmission!

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