Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Once upon a time a gold farmer who played a [[game]] that can be sold for real money. This gamer was born in a developed country and he competed with people from other [[developed countries]]. The idea of the game is to protect the world from the bad people and the best [[collectivistic]] person. One of the most interesting things about this game is that touches on cultural topics relevant to modern day, such as gender equality, labor laws, and [[human rights]] concerns. Why? Because promotes freedom of speech and avoids censorship which is something that is usually seen in countries like [[North Korea.]] Moreover, this game engages innovative payment network. That means that there's not central authority or central bank. The practice of making video game currency and then selling it to other players for real life money. Many of these players who engage in this are from countries such as China, South Korea, and Vietnam. Gold farming sucks, no I don't want to buy your 1000 gold for $12.95.Depending on your ideology, they're the basic rights to life, liberty, and acquiring/owning property, etc. you get from God that can't be taken away ("inalienable") or similar rights that are granted to you by (but CANNOT be exercised contrary to the will of) the United Nations. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of Independence - July 4, 1776 "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations." United Nations - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - December 10, 1948A communist country ran by a short and ugly dictator named Kim Jung Il. It is the only country in the world where the government (rarely) distributes food to you and you can't get it anywhere else unless you enjoy tree bark and grass. It is the only country where concentration camps thrive. It is the only country where everyone shares one religion: Kim Jung-il. North Korea: the greatest theocracy in the world!The opposite of individualism. The belief or socio-economic policy which states that the interests of the collective outweigh the interests of the individual and that the individual exists solely to serve the collective. Under collectivism the individual is subordinate to the collective. Ex. Utilitarianism, Communism, and to some extent all statist philosophies practice collectivism. A term used by political scientists and economists to describe a country whose level of economic development ranks it somewhere between the developing and first-world classifications. These countries have moved away from an agriculture-based economy and into a more industrialized, urban economy.

Monday, May 5, 2014

There are differences between HTML/CSS codes and the matrix of the website. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Visual Analysis Friday! Remediate Yo'Self!

-What aspects of your site are you remediating?

There are many aspects are going to be remediated. These are: the topic, the background, the fonts, the graphic design, and the color.

-Are you respectfully or radically remediation your work?

Radically remediation is the approach employed in my page.

-Does that change your audience?

Yes, it does change my audience. The previous target audience was graphic design and colleges students. For this new project my audience will be audio/radio followers.

-What in particular will you do to remediate or resign the original?

I plan to rewrite the HTML code, to use a better rhetorical approach, to implement persuasion skills, to improve the accessibility, to add networking and social nets, and visual techniques.  

-How does this improve  your site's accessibility, transparency, or convenience?

My accessibility and transparency will be improved due to its content, titles, and internal links.

Monday, April 7, 2014

4/7 Blog Monday! A Question of Categories

-Based on Bolter and Grusing's definitions, am I asking you to do a respectful remediation or a radical remediation of the argumentative research paper genre?

First, it is important to know the definition of respectful remediation which focuses on improving the quality of the original media and practice. Radical Remediation reinvents prior practice based on critical review. This type of remediation challenges bot authenticity and authority of the original media and practice.

Because I am radical mediation the idea of an argumentative research paper in this project, I expect my final project to look something like The Beat Oracle.

-Does knowing your answer to the above question help you construct this website?

Yes, the content of my research will have major changes, revolutionary transformations and changes in modality and activities.

-How would you expect your final website to be constructed?

I expect my final website to be constructed with logos, music, information, and storytelling.

How would that be different from radically remediating that genre?

It is a bit difficult for me to answers this question because new and fresh ideas come to me about my future projects. Someone said before: -best ideas come in the shower-. With that in mind, I hope or believe my future project's genre would have major differences.

Note: Comedy

Visual Analysis Friday! What's the deal with all these interfaces?

Here are my peers I picked:
Susan Cannarella

Wyatt Nunn

Friday, April 4, 2014

Slap Together Wednesday!

Here's my Elderly Table. It shows the basic needs and elder person uses. The most used features/apps by elder people are weather, food, family, doctor, contacts, 911, news, and radio. They can be operated by the owner of the mobile or non-mobile operating system. These apps can be very useful because it gives access to basic needs.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Blog Monday! If Dreamweaver isn't part of the solution...

Racism, sexism, and colonialism are issues that can be seen all over through the media. Sometimes these issues are very hard to identify because we see them so often that our subconscious is not currently in focal awareness. We live in a modern world where media is always telling us how to think, how to dress, how to behave, etc. What most people don't realize is that information is full of unreportable mental activities. For instance, I came up with test about creating an account opening an account using Microsoft/Hotmail. So I clicked to the 'sign up now' option and then what I see is that in the country/region box shows US as the dominant region/territory. This option/box subconsciously is already predisposing the way how I see the world and the regions located in it. This is just an example about the large number of messages hidden through the media. The most important thing here is being capable and mentally trained to identify them and fix them.