Thursday, April 3, 2014

Blog Monday! If Dreamweaver isn't part of the solution...

Racism, sexism, and colonialism are issues that can be seen all over through the media. Sometimes these issues are very hard to identify because we see them so often that our subconscious is not currently in focal awareness. We live in a modern world where media is always telling us how to think, how to dress, how to behave, etc. What most people don't realize is that information is full of unreportable mental activities. For instance, I came up with test about creating an account opening an account using Microsoft/Hotmail. So I clicked to the 'sign up now' option and then what I see is that in the country/region box shows US as the dominant region/territory. This option/box subconsciously is already predisposing the way how I see the world and the regions located in it. This is just an example about the large number of messages hidden through the media. The most important thing here is being capable and mentally trained to identify them and fix them.

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