Monday, April 7, 2014

4/7 Blog Monday! A Question of Categories

-Based on Bolter and Grusing's definitions, am I asking you to do a respectful remediation or a radical remediation of the argumentative research paper genre?

First, it is important to know the definition of respectful remediation which focuses on improving the quality of the original media and practice. Radical Remediation reinvents prior practice based on critical review. This type of remediation challenges bot authenticity and authority of the original media and practice.

Because I am radical mediation the idea of an argumentative research paper in this project, I expect my final project to look something like The Beat Oracle.

-Does knowing your answer to the above question help you construct this website?

Yes, the content of my research will have major changes, revolutionary transformations and changes in modality and activities.

-How would you expect your final website to be constructed?

I expect my final website to be constructed with logos, music, information, and storytelling.

How would that be different from radically remediating that genre?

It is a bit difficult for me to answers this question because new and fresh ideas come to me about my future projects. Someone said before: -best ideas come in the shower-. With that in mind, I hope or believe my future project's genre would have major differences.

Note: Comedy

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