Friday, February 28, 2014

Visual Analysis Friday!

In terms of Arola/Web2.0. How did your process of contributing to the notes in theis format differ from something like a word document or an ANGEL discussion forum? Things were much more free form, and I'm curious how that affected your creative process.

In terms of Consigny/Rhetoric and Its Situations: In using Google Drawings, I created a rhetorical situation for you to respond to. How did your or your peers' responses affect the rhetorical situation as a whole? How did those responses create new rhetorical situations?

In terms of Althusser/Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses: Think about every acton you took (or did not take in participating in class today. What social or ideological structures encouraged or discouraged you form taking certain actions in participation?

In terms of McLuhen/The Medium is the Message: If we have this kind of tool now, why do we rely on linked, static web pages to deliver content rather than a huge repository of content easily editable by the public?

      Why we prefer static, one way (content creator ---audience) media rather than dynamic,       collaborative media.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Slap Together Wednesday! Make it a meme!

This is an explanation/interpretation about Elliot's confusing passage.

The passage says: "There is not ideology except by the subject and for subjects."

Wow, I never though the deepness of this passage and it took me a bit to understand it. Try to relate this passage with the movie Matrix. The movie shows the unreal world known as 'the Matrix,' a share simulation of the world as it was in 1999.

Now the real world is the system that gives orders to 'the Matrix.' At the same time, look at the real world that equals to the consciousness as the control system of the mind. Saying that, let me change some words in this passage. Here you go: -There is not Matrix (material existence/unreal world) excluding the consciousness (real world).-

Another explanation/interpretation about Marc W's  confusing passage that says: "Beneath Ruling Ideology."

This may refer to the ideology of 'the ruling class.' For instance, the ruling class percentage in America is about the one percent. Around the world the ruling class also represents around the one percent. Let's not forget that this ruling class is the given society that decides society's political policy.  

Monday, February 24, 2014

Blog Monday! Lolwut?

I think I've got a firm grasp of:

And this is what Louis Althusser states:   "In 'Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses' Louis Althusser the traditional Marxist question of how are conditions and relations of production being reproduction being reproduced and maintained is society. Althusser's answer is that two types of mechanisms are at play here: "repressive state apparatuses which gain abidance and cooperation from the public through physical coercion means such as the police, army, prisons, courts etc. the other type of mechanism Authusser notes are the "ideological state apparatuses" ideological state apparatus are somewhat reminiscent of Gramsci's concept of hegemony and soft power.  According to Althusser ideological state apparatuses are sustained by cultural institutions such as the education system, the church, the family, media and culture. The ideological state apparatuses gain free willed cooperation and a sense of choice of what is in reality imposed.

Picture posted by Arturo Espinosa on January 28, 2013.

Althusser holds that both repressive state apparatuses and ideological state apparatuses operate together by combining repression and ideology with the difference between them being the different nature of their workings. From here Althusser turns to defining the concept of ideology, dominant in the ideological state apparatuses, which serves to perpetuate class subordination and exploitative relations of production over generations."

What does it mean to me?

This passage fundamentally argues class struggle and the ways production and reproduction is being distributed. The concept of this struggle between classes is an state of mind that was introduced by Karl Marx. In a way, it explains the massive gap that increases exponentially between rich and low class, which may be caused by the way how church, family, media, and cultural institution are administrated. This is a problem and a philosophy that threat capitalistic state of minds and empowers revolutionary social governments and societies.    

How it affects my design or something outside school?

This idea affects positively my future designs and projects in many ways: It is important to understand the class struggle between rich and poor because allows one to keep a balance within ideas projected to the audience. The meaning of keeping a balance allows one to come up with ideas that persuade different types of classes. What I do and learn through the academia process will reflect my present and future, which encourages me to present my project in a more professional way.

Less Clear Passage:

Another passage mentioned by Althusser says: "we know that the State apparatus may survive, as is proved by bourgeois 'revolution' in nineteenth-century France, by coups d'etat, by collapses of the State, or by the political rise of the petty bourgeoisie, etc., without the State apparatus being affected or modified (14, my emphasis)."

This passage is really powerful because it can be connected it with what is currently happening in Ukraine. Since it declared independence in 1991, the country has been politically divided along political lines. About half of the society want their country to integrate with the European Union and turn away from Russia. Some other people wanted to join with the Russian-led trade union. This division in this area could be considered class/political struggle between the rich and poor whose revolution may empower each political party who want their country to "succeed" (what ever that means).      


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Slap Together Wednesday - Plagiarize This!

College website ideas is the topic I am promoting in my website. The picture I found matches perfectly my Public Service Announcement because allows the audience to think about different website ideas that can be used for colleges

Picture posted by Sean MacEntee on April 29,2010

This photo was found on where surfers can find for CC-licensed content. What I like about this website is that contains fresh and inspiring designs for those who want to create websites. The color shown in the background and its letters seem to be neutral which is good because my topic promotes positive and negative aspects College websites. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Visual Analysis Valentine vs.

I like to visual analysis websites and their topics when I research the history behind them. seems to show itself as a web that sells gift for especial occasions. On the other hand, shows little things about what not to do on Valentine's day. Since this is Saint Valentines's week then I would focus on this especial day and the rhetorical analysis of each website.

A good way to have a better visual analysis of San Valentine's Day is understanding positive and negative aspects. Most people now days sees Valentine's Day as a moment to connect and express oneself to the important people in your life. My believe about this day is that is fundamentally important because allows one to built hope. Some people believe this day is a miserable one because of several facts. One of them can be because it brings million metric tons of waste or because it causes 75 percent of suicide attempt and attributable to relationship problems Whatever is your believe about this day, think that this is just another day in the "paradise."

From the rhetorical stand point, 1800 contains a lots of links and products they persuade to sell. First, I believe all the links of this website are smashup. Second, it hard to differentiate what product is being sold. They are so many ideas that I feel attacked by so many announcements. In fact, so many ideas and products makes me run away and find another website to buy my gift. Moreover, this website seems to be based on westernize celebrations and traditions which is what most of us, but not all of us want and need.

The rhetorical perspective of allows me to say that there is a better web design of the themes and its organization is thrill. The topic presented in this website for this week are things (messages) that should not be said during Valentine's day. As I went through the comments, I do agree that "Valentine's Day can be a make-it or break-it situation for a [shitty] relationship." And I think that is why this website is so funny because let one to think about past relationships that went good or bad. The way how this topic is presented make me laugh and shop something for my friends even-though I read negative aspects about Saint Valentine's day.

Comparing these two websites is an important task because allows one to understand the rhetor and requirements websites needs. One of them seems to be more persuasive than the order one, but at the end both project the same idea which is the important aspects about Saint Valentine's day.




Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blog Monday: Why?

Looking for Colleges and degrees can a complicate task. And most of the times, researching about these topics is something that is time consuming. The time used looking personal and non-personal information may distract one when websites fulfill the minimum requirements. For most part, navigators like to be entertained and to find websites with vivid backgrounds, colors, fonts, themes, etc. The importance of having an outstanding developing college websites allows internal and external students and clients to navigate easily through it. In fact, the projection of these websites allows students and clients to be more involve in internal an external activities. Not only is important to show presentable themes and external graphic designs, but also to set up each link in a functional way.

The topic was chosen because allows students or clients to compare College web designs. It points out the aspects of creativity and design combined with digital technology techniques. In addition, this topic presents a proposal how colleges website can be upgrade in order to fulfill the students and customers needs.    

Friday, February 7, 2014

Visual Analysis Friday! Common Topos!

For this post, I have chosen several websites that have in common information about college web designs. These websites show images and links about persuasive themes chosen by other universities, which allows clients to navigate through their webs without difficulty. The color of the background used in these websites share similar color which in this case is the white color. Some of the websites have two column layout and some other have three way column layout. I personally like the one column layout because allows to focus in one site of the page. The following links presents the links I will be using to support my project:  

1. Web Designer Depot

2. Web Design Degree Center

3. Vandelay Design

4. Design Shack

5. Edudemic

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Slap-Together Wednesday!

Sometimes I like to create complex logos and the one below is one of them. The logo isn't fully completed, but eventually I will add more visual effects to it. This logo represents the beginning of an important campaign through a 'Public Service Announcement' in order to aware students and clients about college websites and their designs.  

Adobe Illustrator was the software I used because allows to add and create more light effects to the logos. It contains vivid colors such as red, orange, yellow and black. This logo contains so far three layers but eventually I plan to add more to create a better visual effect.  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Visual Analysis Extra Credit

Last semester I took this COM210 class where I learned how to create a blog using WordPress. The professor, Dr. Michael Beam set up his own blog where students follow his instructions about Communication and Technology features. For this assignment, I want to analyse Dr. Beam's website because I believe it contains design principles that attracts the viewer's eye.

First of all, it seems that the space used in this web looks balance due to the position of the rows and columns of the objects placed in it. Another factor to be analyzed are the lines of this blog because they seem to be stable which allows the eyes going in different directions. Some of the lines can be calming and that makes the audience feel secure due to the stability of the lines. In addition, the shape of most of the objects seem to have geometric properties such as rectangles placed in vertical and horizontal positions. For instance, some of the shapes applied to fonts look hard to move and some others strong yet thin. Moreover, its tones make one feel somehow relax because permits to focus on the lighting objects. Furthermore, the color used is well mixed because it gives the meaning that the blog was set up for educational purposes. As far as movement, there is not much action in the blog, except for the video tutorials posted in the content of it. Finally, the blog doesn't' have major rhythms because its content wasn't set up for to be musical; however, the sound can be listened in Dr Beam's video tutorials.