Saturday, February 15, 2014

Visual Analysis Valentine vs.

I like to visual analysis websites and their topics when I research the history behind them. seems to show itself as a web that sells gift for especial occasions. On the other hand, shows little things about what not to do on Valentine's day. Since this is Saint Valentines's week then I would focus on this especial day and the rhetorical analysis of each website.

A good way to have a better visual analysis of San Valentine's Day is understanding positive and negative aspects. Most people now days sees Valentine's Day as a moment to connect and express oneself to the important people in your life. My believe about this day is that is fundamentally important because allows one to built hope. Some people believe this day is a miserable one because of several facts. One of them can be because it brings million metric tons of waste or because it causes 75 percent of suicide attempt and attributable to relationship problems Whatever is your believe about this day, think that this is just another day in the "paradise."

From the rhetorical stand point, 1800 contains a lots of links and products they persuade to sell. First, I believe all the links of this website are smashup. Second, it hard to differentiate what product is being sold. They are so many ideas that I feel attacked by so many announcements. In fact, so many ideas and products makes me run away and find another website to buy my gift. Moreover, this website seems to be based on westernize celebrations and traditions which is what most of us, but not all of us want and need.

The rhetorical perspective of allows me to say that there is a better web design of the themes and its organization is thrill. The topic presented in this website for this week are things (messages) that should not be said during Valentine's day. As I went through the comments, I do agree that "Valentine's Day can be a make-it or break-it situation for a [shitty] relationship." And I think that is why this website is so funny because let one to think about past relationships that went good or bad. The way how this topic is presented make me laugh and shop something for my friends even-though I read negative aspects about Saint Valentine's day.

Comparing these two websites is an important task because allows one to understand the rhetor and requirements websites needs. One of them seems to be more persuasive than the order one, but at the end both project the same idea which is the important aspects about Saint Valentine's day.




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