Friday, February 28, 2014

Visual Analysis Friday!

In terms of Arola/Web2.0. How did your process of contributing to the notes in theis format differ from something like a word document or an ANGEL discussion forum? Things were much more free form, and I'm curious how that affected your creative process.

In terms of Consigny/Rhetoric and Its Situations: In using Google Drawings, I created a rhetorical situation for you to respond to. How did your or your peers' responses affect the rhetorical situation as a whole? How did those responses create new rhetorical situations?

In terms of Althusser/Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses: Think about every acton you took (or did not take in participating in class today. What social or ideological structures encouraged or discouraged you form taking certain actions in participation?

In terms of McLuhen/The Medium is the Message: If we have this kind of tool now, why do we rely on linked, static web pages to deliver content rather than a huge repository of content easily editable by the public?

      Why we prefer static, one way (content creator ---audience) media rather than dynamic,       collaborative media.

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