Monday, January 27, 2014

Starting to use DreamWeaver

I'm writing this blog assignment while I'm thinking about different comments we discussed in class. During class, professor Matt Frye, persuaded us to expose our experience we have creating webpages. Some of my peers have some experience using DreamWeaver, Google Sites, Wix, Weebly, or Angelfire. Some others just have a brief understanding about website development. Personally, I have never been exposed to programs such as DreamWeaver, Wix Weebly or Angelfire. However, I do have some experience using Google sites and basic knowledge with HTLM codes. In fact, the last time I took HTML classes was a while when USB flash-drives didn't existed. Back in the days, (I am generation Y, Echo Boomers or Millenniums !!!YES I said it!!!) data was recorded in floppy disks which are rarely used now days to save information. Most of the floppy disks where I saved my first web designs got lost because of my moving situation. So I assume all these websites I created got to be somewhere in this world...

Currently, my Facebook account is deactivated because of school purposes, but when I use it, I get connect it with old friends around the world and I go and visit them. As far as MySpace, I was never a big fan of this social network because I always refused its philosophy and theme designs. LinkedIn is another professional network I rarely use because at this point I am not hunting any job opportunity.

I have to say that is going to be a great learning experience re-learning HTML codes and understand better the way how programs work such as DreamWeaver, Wix Weebly or Angelfire.          

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Visual Analysis (The Matrix and the Real World)

Trying to understand the real world is what it makes people more knowledgeable about their surroundings. And even  living ten decades, this time is not enough to comprehend what is real and isn't. Many debates out there allows people to question about themselves and facts about what if there is not real world. In fact, arguments about reality and unreal events have been used in philosophical analysis which allows one criticize surreal moments experienced. A movie that has been used in to analyze metaphors  and philosophy is the movie 'The Matrix,'  which is a 1999 American-Australian science fiction action film written and directed by The Washowski Brothers.

The visual analysis in this movie focus on the five modes of communication or the multimodality of communication:

Visual Mode: The directors who stamped this film bring the audience attention with visual modes that includes color, layout, style, size, perceptive. These visual modes persuades someone's feeling and entertain among other things. For instance, the colors themes used in this dominates many scenes in the movie. The color black, green, blue, and red  are the most used during the movie which are seen in moments of action, suspense, drama, romance, and so on. Most of the layouts of the movie seems to have digital arrangements which allows the art or process of the graphic design of it. Some other layouts seems to be arranged in real places such as inside and outside scenarios. Another visual mode is the visual style of the movie because draws on its creators' admiration for Japanese animation traditions. These stylistic elements include certain modes of framing and lighting, along with an emphasis on violence. In addition, the movie contains visual size which is the angle a viewed object subtends at the eye. For instance, the visual size of the "bullet time" effect was created for the film. In this scene, many physical cameras were positioned in a 360 degree framework in order to record the fractions of each frame simulated. Finally, the visual perceptive of some parts of the movie seems to have fast movements which objects appear to the eye based on spatial attributes. This type of visual perspective persuades the audience to be more involve in the visual mode of it.

Gestural Mode: Some of the body language seen in this movie comes from martial arts. For instance, after Neo undergoes extensive mental training, Morpheus tells Neo: "Show me." This scene shows cool parts where professional martial arts are demonstrated by professionals actors. Another gesture mode shown in the movie is when Neo demonstrates confusion before and right after he knows the real world. The body language Neo presents almost at the end of the movie seem to be more confident and secure. Most of the characters of the movie tend to use face-to-face conversations which is important for the plot of the movie. Here's a video clip of my favorite interaction between people in this movie.

Spatial Mode: It is a bit difficult to understand the organization of the movie the fist time the audience watches the movie, but after seen it several times, one deducts how the movie has been arranged.The spacial mode of this movie set in the year 2199 and beginning of the 21th century. There are two physical spaces: the matrix and the real world. According to the writers of the movie, the matrix is everything, the air we breath, the things we see, everything we feel. On the other hand, the matrix set in 2199, which according to the writers is what is known as the real world; a world that it was destroyed by the war between humans and machines.

Aural Mode: The sounds effects of this movie are known as the best sounds effects in the film industry. Some of the sounds are electronically based and the action of the characters is based off of speed. Some other voices are digitalized, which it brings excitement and mystery to the audience. There are many sounds effects that goes along with moments of actions and suspense which makes this movie to have the best sounds effects.

Linguistic Mode: The linguistic mode in this movie seems to follow metaphorical, mythological and philosophical frameworks. The allegory is related to Plato's theory of Forms which holds that the true essence of an object is not what we perceive with our senses, but rather its quality, and that most people perceive only the shadow of the object and are thus confined to false perception.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


During class, my peers and I used the sheet from class to describe one text we have experienced on campus. As a group, we were looking at the 'VISUAL' mode and we were able to identified a piece of communication located at the CUB. More precisely, we are talking about the flat screen announcements or written words known as 'TEXT.' We identified the rhetorical/design elements of that text and we provided a rich description of it. For instance, we thought that some "TEXTS' are colorful, balanced. We discussed about the strategic location of the flat screens. The screen movement of the 'TEXTS' posted has a contrast with some LOGOS of each announcement. The location of this screen announcements are crucial for the viewer to see it. We think the message designers was to get involved students and non-students to be part of school and social events. Moreover, the text actually sends effectively constructed messages such as promotion of events in campus and out campus. My group sees that the mode reinforce the text people are looking at. For instance, the affordance of that mode are the font used in each commercial or event posted. Another affordance can be the color used in the text and background which allow the viewer to perceive the message delivered. On the other hand, the constraints of that mode for that text can be the speed from one announcement to the other. The size of the font is another constraint that unable viewer to comprehend the message exposed.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Rhetorical and Function of this Space

What is one message that you get from this room? What are the things that tell you that message? How effectively is the message coming across? 

This room contains different messages. One of them projected by this room is its atmosphere, which looks somehow traditional. For instance, the chairs look very old, impaired, and the color of the walls and ceiling seems to be painted in the fifty decades. In addition, the carpet in this room has similar characteristics as the walls and ceilings. It gives the impression that it hasn't been replaced in many years. However, the room has contemporary objects such as Apple computers, printers, USB cables and books based on JavaScript. The combination of the classical and contemporary style maintains an unbalance in the environment of this classroom. The message coming across is somehow effective because it could have a more positive connotation if some objects get replaced or updated.  

Try to identify how each of our rhetorical terms is functioning in this space:   

What is ethos of the room; or, how do you know how someone in this room should behave?

The ethos of the room seems to be ethical and convincing. There are many reasons what it makes this room credible. And I believe that the sense of convincing mainly comes form the computers, the boards, and the books placed on the shelf.   

What colors or other tools does it use to persuade you, on an emotional level (pathos), to behave some way? 

On an emotional level, the color of the walls of this classroom affects somehow my emotions in a negative way. My state of mind changes as soon as I walk in to the classroom and the size of the rooms make on feel claustrophobic.

What symbols or language does the room use to dictate your behavior? 

Chairs, desks, computers are smash which makes it hard to move or walk. And that's a symbol that dictates my behavior as a non-affirmative feeling or emotion.  

In terms of the message your' getting...

Who is the addresser?

Since I am writing this critique about my classroom in this blog then that makes me the addresser. 

What is the context of the message?   

The context of the message is what the criticism is about: In this case the critique is based on my personal opinion about this classroom.

What is the code? 

I believe the code is transmitted in a natural or informal way because of the way how ti is being explained and view by the addresser and the addressee. 

What is the contact through which you receive the message?

The contact through which i receive the message is the connection between addresser and addressee. In this case, I believe is the environment in general that in between the object perceive and my presence.  

In what way doe this room use kairos, opportunity, timing to get you to behave in some way? 

Kairos in this room gives me the opportunity to discuss my behavior about this classroom. My constructive criticism comes is a combination of creating and recognizing the right time and right place for making the argument in the first place.

In my argument about the classroom I tried to use Metanoia or engaging because I believe is a point of view that is valid and fair.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Emotional Effect -Pathos-- Black and White

This photo seems to be taken many decades ago. There is a strong level of tensity and a a sense of of sadness. It makes to believe to the audience that this post looks very serious and cold. In addition, the image seems to be taken in a difficult time in history. 

Emotional Effect -Pathos-

The resolution of the original picture is clear and the ethical "ethos" appeal engage the audience to be part of the scene. The emotional "Pathos" appeal is fresh, happy, and healthy. From the logos perspective, the picture seems to be logical and internal consistency of the message.  

On the other hand, the resolution of the second image is distorted because of the effect applied using the option Filter Gallery-- Spray Strokes. The picture could be ethical or unethical due to the surrealism shown in it. The fist picture look to be less fresh than the first image. The logic of the image seems to be a little bit disturbing and illogical when the picture is seen.     


FonseKa, full time student at Washington State University and part time traveler. He has traveled in many places of North-America, Central-America, South-America and Europe. His plan is to continue his travels and expand them in regions such as Africa, North and South Asia, South Pacific Oceans, and the Middle East . He likes to be around people with positive mentality, people with good sense of humor, and knowledgeable about themselves, and  the world. FonseKa's interest are mainly calling his family, helping people, reading online news, interacting with foreigners, visiting new places, eating, laughing, staying in hostels, meeting random people, and off course listening music.

FonseKa's is taking this course because he wants exploring new rhetorics based on information technology. His biggest experiences he had in creating "New Media" was in Fall 2013. During this period he created a blog where he encourages people to become travelers.

Here is his blog:

In addition, FonseKa believes that "New Media" is defined as conceptual frameworks that allows to organize the appearance of the context.

FonseKa is eager to fulfill the goals and outcomes of the class and he is willing to learn and work with his classmates.