Monday, January 27, 2014

Starting to use DreamWeaver

I'm writing this blog assignment while I'm thinking about different comments we discussed in class. During class, professor Matt Frye, persuaded us to expose our experience we have creating webpages. Some of my peers have some experience using DreamWeaver, Google Sites, Wix, Weebly, or Angelfire. Some others just have a brief understanding about website development. Personally, I have never been exposed to programs such as DreamWeaver, Wix Weebly or Angelfire. However, I do have some experience using Google sites and basic knowledge with HTLM codes. In fact, the last time I took HTML classes was a while when USB flash-drives didn't existed. Back in the days, (I am generation Y, Echo Boomers or Millenniums !!!YES I said it!!!) data was recorded in floppy disks which are rarely used now days to save information. Most of the floppy disks where I saved my first web designs got lost because of my moving situation. So I assume all these websites I created got to be somewhere in this world...

Currently, my Facebook account is deactivated because of school purposes, but when I use it, I get connect it with old friends around the world and I go and visit them. As far as MySpace, I was never a big fan of this social network because I always refused its philosophy and theme designs. LinkedIn is another professional network I rarely use because at this point I am not hunting any job opportunity.

I have to say that is going to be a great learning experience re-learning HTML codes and understand better the way how programs work such as DreamWeaver, Wix Weebly or Angelfire.          

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