Thursday, January 23, 2014


During class, my peers and I used the sheet from class to describe one text we have experienced on campus. As a group, we were looking at the 'VISUAL' mode and we were able to identified a piece of communication located at the CUB. More precisely, we are talking about the flat screen announcements or written words known as 'TEXT.' We identified the rhetorical/design elements of that text and we provided a rich description of it. For instance, we thought that some "TEXTS' are colorful, balanced. We discussed about the strategic location of the flat screens. The screen movement of the 'TEXTS' posted has a contrast with some LOGOS of each announcement. The location of this screen announcements are crucial for the viewer to see it. We think the message designers was to get involved students and non-students to be part of school and social events. Moreover, the text actually sends effectively constructed messages such as promotion of events in campus and out campus. My group sees that the mode reinforce the text people are looking at. For instance, the affordance of that mode are the font used in each commercial or event posted. Another affordance can be the color used in the text and background which allow the viewer to perceive the message delivered. On the other hand, the constraints of that mode for that text can be the speed from one announcement to the other. The size of the font is another constraint that unable viewer to comprehend the message exposed.

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