Friday, January 17, 2014

Rhetorical and Function of this Space

What is one message that you get from this room? What are the things that tell you that message? How effectively is the message coming across? 

This room contains different messages. One of them projected by this room is its atmosphere, which looks somehow traditional. For instance, the chairs look very old, impaired, and the color of the walls and ceiling seems to be painted in the fifty decades. In addition, the carpet in this room has similar characteristics as the walls and ceilings. It gives the impression that it hasn't been replaced in many years. However, the room has contemporary objects such as Apple computers, printers, USB cables and books based on JavaScript. The combination of the classical and contemporary style maintains an unbalance in the environment of this classroom. The message coming across is somehow effective because it could have a more positive connotation if some objects get replaced or updated.  

Try to identify how each of our rhetorical terms is functioning in this space:   

What is ethos of the room; or, how do you know how someone in this room should behave?

The ethos of the room seems to be ethical and convincing. There are many reasons what it makes this room credible. And I believe that the sense of convincing mainly comes form the computers, the boards, and the books placed on the shelf.   

What colors or other tools does it use to persuade you, on an emotional level (pathos), to behave some way? 

On an emotional level, the color of the walls of this classroom affects somehow my emotions in a negative way. My state of mind changes as soon as I walk in to the classroom and the size of the rooms make on feel claustrophobic.

What symbols or language does the room use to dictate your behavior? 

Chairs, desks, computers are smash which makes it hard to move or walk. And that's a symbol that dictates my behavior as a non-affirmative feeling or emotion.  

In terms of the message your' getting...

Who is the addresser?

Since I am writing this critique about my classroom in this blog then that makes me the addresser. 

What is the context of the message?   

The context of the message is what the criticism is about: In this case the critique is based on my personal opinion about this classroom.

What is the code? 

I believe the code is transmitted in a natural or informal way because of the way how ti is being explained and view by the addresser and the addressee. 

What is the contact through which you receive the message?

The contact through which i receive the message is the connection between addresser and addressee. In this case, I believe is the environment in general that in between the object perceive and my presence.  

In what way doe this room use kairos, opportunity, timing to get you to behave in some way? 

Kairos in this room gives me the opportunity to discuss my behavior about this classroom. My constructive criticism comes is a combination of creating and recognizing the right time and right place for making the argument in the first place.

In my argument about the classroom I tried to use Metanoia or engaging because I believe is a point of view that is valid and fair.

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